Cellphones: A cancer risk?

Cellphones plays an important role in our daily lives, its scary to think that something we depend on so greatly could be a potential hazard to our health. There is a great concern that cellphones have the potential to cause certain types of cancer or other possible health issues. These concerns have however not been backed up by science, studies have found no direct link between the use of cellphones and any health problems.

Cellphones emit a type of electric magnetic radiation called radio-energy frequency or rather radio waves. These radio waves tend to penetrate the body’s tissue closest to where the waves are being exposed. Electric magnetic radiation can be categorized in to both ionizing such as x-rays and non-ionizing radiation such as these radio waves. Studies have shown that while ionizing radiation have the ability to increase the risk of cancer, non ionizing radiation does not.

It is a known fact that in-order for a cell to become cancerous  it would have to endure damage to its DNA. Extensive laboratory studies have proved that while radio energy can be used for heating, it is not strong enough to cause any DNA damage to cells therefore rendering it  unable to cause any form of cancer. Studies performed on humans yielded similar results where  individuals with brain tumors did not report an increase in cellphone use compare to individuals who did not have brain tumors.

Although no link between tumor development and cellphone use have been found to date, individuals need remember that all studies performed had its own set of limitations and challenges set upon it which may have effected results.


  • Individuals were not studies for lengthy time period.
  • Increase rate of cellphone use.
  • Age group of the studies (adults were tested not children).

Future studies taking all these factors into consideration may possibly yield a completely different result finding the link between cellphone use and tumor development.


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